I am going to marry my best friend!!

Now that its been just over a month since we got engaged, I thought I would create a blog post so you can see all the beautiful images that Grace captured in the moment. The moment that truly changed our lives in an instant.

I thought we were going on a casual walk (read: hike) to explore a bit of Cape Point, but to my surprise, this is where Mr Lakay asked me to be his wife. I’ll have you know that I knew that he was planning on proposing to me but I had no idea when or where. Everything worked out so beautifully.

If you know me, you’ll know that I don’t really like too much fuss (unless its my birthday, lol) or having too many people around me. This “rule” applied even more so when it came to our engagement! If there was one request I had, it was for us to be alone when he asks me to marry him. The way Lorenzo asked me could not have been more perfect and I am forever grateful that he put in so much effort to make me feel so special and loved in that moment (although there were no tears. Sorry babe!).

We are so excited about our future together, being able to motivate one another, and drawing closer to one another as we draw closer to God.

This is so exciting! Check out the vlog where we explain how everything went down!

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